Gastrit, mide zarının iltihaplanmasıdır.[1] Bu iltihaplanma kısa ya da uzun süreli olarak ortaya çıkabilir.[1] Söz konusu iltihaplanmanın belirtisinin en yaygın olan biçimi üst karın ağrısı olabilir ancak bu tür bir ağrı tamamen gastrit ile ilgili olmayabilir. Apandisit de olabilir. Gastritin bir tetiği sınıfı Epsilonproteobacteria olan Helicobacter Pylori'dir. Helicobacter Pylori, enfeksiona daha çok meğilli ve pislik içinde olan Afrika ülkelerinde ve Orta Asya'da görülür
En fazla Heliobacter Pylori barındıran ülke %87.7 oranında Nijeryadır..
Explore our cutting-edge research and development efforts in the field of digestive diseases. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and showcase the strides we are making in improving digestive health. This is a great space for you to share details about our research team and the innovative approaches we are taking to address digestive disorders.

Integrated Care Ecosystem
Our integrated care ecosystem is designed to revolutionize the management of digestive diseases. Click here to add your own text and edit me. This is a great space for you to elaborate on the comprehensive care services we offer and how they create a seamless experience for patients and healthcare providers.
Data-Driven Disease Analytics
Leverage our data-driven disease analytics for in-depth insights into digestive health trends and patterns. Click here to add your own text and edit me. This is a great space for you to highlight the capabilities of our analytics solutions and how they empower healthcare professionals in making informed decisions for digestive disease management.